Class 10 Control and Coordination Extra Questions
1. What is tropism?
2. Which part of the plant shows positive geotropism and why?
3. What are phytohormones? Mention the various phytohormones.
4. Define the term photoperiodism.
5. Name the stimulus in: (a) Geotropism (b) Phototropism (c) Chemotropism.
6. What are growth regulators?
7. What are plant growth promoters and plant growth inhibitors? Give examples.
8. Name the stress hormone in plants that functions during drought.
9. Name the secretion of endocrine glands.
10. Name two parts of the autonomic nervous system.
11. Mention an alternative name for vasopressin.
12. Name the endocrine gland which secretes neurohormones.
13. Name the hormones secreted by the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland.
14. Which cells contain Nissl’s granules?
15. Name the hormone that controls water and electrolyte balance in the body.
16. Endocrine glands release their secretions into the blood. Why?
17. Why movements in plants are not as apparent as in the case of animals?
18. Which lobe of the cerebral hemisphere is the region for speech?
19. Name the scientists who first introduced the term ‘hormone’.
20. Name the hormone that helps in lowering the level of blood glucose in human beings.
21. Which are the systems involved in control and coordination in animals?
22. What are effectors?
23. What are synapsis?
24. What happens at a synapse between two neurons?
25. In which form are the nerve impulses travelling?
26. What is a nerve impulse?
27. What is the difference between a reflex action and walking?
28. Distinguish between voluntary and involuntary actions of our body.
29. Why is the use of iodized salt advisable?
30. “There is a need for a system of control and coordination in an organism”. Justify the statement.
31. How do neurons transmit information?
32. Differentiate between sensory and motor nerve.
33. Give protective features of the nervous system.
34. How do nervous tissues bring about muscular movements?
35. How is the secretion of hormones regulated?
36. Define the following.
a) Control b) Coordination c) Nervous system d) Stimulus e) Response f) Neuron
37. What are receptors? Think of a situation when the receptors do not function properly. Name the receptors.
38. Draw a well-labelled diagram of a neuron.
39. Differentiate between axons and dendrites.
40. Name three types of neurons.
41. What is a reflex action? Give examples.
42. Draw the neuromuscular junction and label its parts.
43. Describe how auxins are related to the bending of shoots towards the source of light.
44. Explain apical dominance. Name the hormone that controls it.
45. The human brain can be broadly divided into three regions. Name them.
46. Name the endocrine gland which has islets of Langerhans. Name its secretions.
47. Write a note on the significance of the central nervous system.
48. Write a note on the peripheral nervous system.
49. Write a short note on the brain.
50. How are the rain and spinal cord protected?
51. What is the spinal cord? State its functions.
52. How does nervous tissue cause action?
53. How are control and coordination brought about in plants?
How control and coordination in plants is different from animals?
54. Write a note on tropic movement.
55. Write a note on nastic movement.
56. What are the limitations of electrical impulses?
57. What are the advantages of hormones and how it work?
58. Mention the receptors for light, smell, touch, heat and sound in animals.
59. Differentiate between tropic movements and nastic movements.
60. Name the different parts of the brain. Give functions of each part.
61. Draw a neat and labelled diagram of the human hormonal system.
62. a) Draw a well-labelled diagram of the neuromuscular junction.
b) Describe the feedback mechanism.