biological role of vitamin A

Properties and Biological Role of Vitamin A

The biological role of vitamin A and its properties are discussed here.

Vitamin A was recognized by Elmer McCollum in 1915 as an essential nutritional factor. In 1917 Holmes isolated this vitamin from fish liver oil. Vit A is considered to be the antixerophthalmic factor or bright eyes vitamin. In 1946, Milas synthesized this vitamin in the lab. 

Characteristics of Vitamin A

  • The richest source of vitamin A is fish liver oils, especially from sharks and halibut. 
  • But it is least found in cod liver oils.
  • The polar bear’s liver has a high concentration of this vitamin.
  • Dairy products are excellent natural sources of vitamin A. 
  • Certain fruits and vegetables, especially the yellow varieties contain vitamin A in its provitamin form or as ascarotenes. 

Structure of Vitamin A

structure of vitamin A
  • Vit A occurs in A1 and A2 forms. 
  • They are produced from precursor carotenoids called provitamins such as carotenes and cryptoxanthin. Carotenes are the most potent of the two. 
  • Carotene is an orange-red hydrocarbon formed of eight 5-carbon isoprenoid units. They form long chains of up to 40 carbon with an ionone ring at the ends. 
  • Each carotene produces two molecules of vitamin A1 which is commonly seen in salt-water fishes.
  • Vit A2 is seen in freshwater fishes.
  • It has a distinctive conjugate double bond between C3 -C4 of the ionone ring. 

Properties of Vitamin A

  • Retinol of Vit A is a colorless oil but the isolated needles are yellowish. 
  • This fat-soluble vitamin provides the absorption band at 328 nm. 
  • This vitamin is not much lost in cooking but oxidation under UV light destroys it. 
  • Unless protected by vitamin E, retinol is unstable in air. 

Metabolism of Vitamin A

The metabolic pathway of Vitamin A is as follows.

  • Dietary carotene is split into two molecules of retinal with the help of intestinal enzymes.
  • Retinal is enzymatically reduced to retinol. 
  • Retinol is circulated in the blood through Retinol Binding Protein (RBP)
  • Retinol is esterified by palmitic acid in the liver to form retinyl ester and is stored there. 
  • When required, these retinyl esters are enzymatically hydrolyzed into retinol. 
  • To excretion, the liver can convert retinol into retinal and into retinoic acid which will be sent to the intestine through bile. 

Biological Role of Vitamin A

  • Vitamin A helps in the maintenance of epithelial cells of the skin, digestive tract, respiratory system, and urinogenital system. 
  • Vit A protects the cell walls from oxidation by carcinogens and free radicals. 
  • Its deficiency could cause diseases such as
    • Night blindness or Nyctalopia
    • Xerophthalmia (the delicate membrane of the eye becomes scaly),  
    • Keratomalacia or softening of the cornea
    • Phrynoderma (hard toad-like skin)
    • Stunted growth in children

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